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Season 2 Trailer

In season 2, Kendra, Michael, Braden, and Doc find themselves ensnared in the intricate dance of unraveling a web of disappearances that have rocked the heart of Central Texas. As the quartet delves into the enigmatic depths, an unexpected reunion transpires when a figure from Kendra and Michael's past emerges.

July 4, 1991

Kendra’s 4th of July celebration takes an unexpected turn when a wave of disappearances in Austin hits too close to home. Meanwhile, Braden seeks Doc’s psychological insights as he prepares for his first nationwide news special.

The Visitor

A visitor from Michael, Kendra, and Doc’s past puts them on high alert. In Braden's pursuit of answers regarding the missing runaways, his investigation spirals into a seemingly endless void where clues remain elusive.

The New Colossus

Kendra and Michael enlist help In their quest to unravel the mystery surrounding their missing friend. At the same time, Doc and Braden immerse themselves in the intricate web of police reports, meticulously cross-referencing their findings.

Lost and Found

After finding out the location of their missing friend from an unexpected source, Kendra and Michael are forced to watch from the sidelines due to the veil of unforeseen dangers. Meanwhile, Doc and Braden assume the mantle of authority, navigating to uncharted territories of uncertainty.

A Lens Distorted

As Doc and Braden fall into the clutches of their captors, Kendra and Michael leap into action to orchestrate their rescue. Amidst the unfolding drama, Mackenzie and Dejuan try their hand at babysitting.

A Phoenix Rises

Braden follows through on his vow to assist his former captors in setting the record straight. Michael grapples with the consequences of overconfidence, realizing that his carelessness has left a trail of evidence behind.

From the Ashes

Braden becomes ensnared in the perilous crosshairs of a police standoff, thrust into a situation teetering on the brink of chaos. Kendra and Michael hastily embark on a race against the ticking clock to rescue him before the situation takes a darker turn.

Runaway Train

In the second season finale of Lucidus Somnia, Braden recovers in the hospital from his injuries. Meanwhile, Kendra and Michael grapple with frustration, feeling constrained by the influence of the authoritative figures in their lives, and contemplate starting new lives on the run.